Sunday, December 9, 2012

10 New Awesome Car at NAIAS US Parade

It is eco-friendly cars are exhibited by large manufacturing companies from around the world. car show was held at the North American International Show (NAIAS) 2012 which took place in Detroit, Michigan, USA, featuring a variety of the latest cars. Manufacturing the world compete to present the latest products and technologies at the largest exhibition in the United States that lasted until January 22, 2012. Cars with environmentally friendly electricity a mainstay of large manufacturers

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

10 Modified Sports Cars that Cost Expensive

Initially these cars are ordinary sports car, but by the owner has been modified, and the modification of these cars are not arbitrary, because it cost you a very large and expensive. all parts are in use to modify your car parts belong to the top level, not only the parts that causes modification of the car is quite expensive. but also the design had been modified up to 70% different from the earlier car. and these 10 sports car modification which cost very expensive:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 Amazing The Winner Car Contest Modification

This is a collection of cars that have been modified and has won various contest car modification around the world. every car has its own uniqueness, but your eyes will certainly widened the car look really cool and different from the car factory output. many parts of the car are modified, in view of the body, we can know many tire shape has changed, so the car becomes more flat, it makes the car look sporty, door design has also been in the fox, most of them prefer the types of doors that open up, so it looks like an amazing sports car.

in addition to modifying the body of the car, they also have modified the car's body color, the color becomes very striking and cool, especially some of the car was given the airbrush with cool images, like the image of the beast or the like. these images in the paint with air brush techniques so it looks like real and attached to the body of the car.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

10 Sport Car Modification Super Amazing

This is a collection of pictures of our latest modified car, sports car has a very amazing design, modifications can be said much but was amazing, not only the modifications performed on the body of the car, but also be applied to the interior of the car, a variety of additional accessories applied in sports cars of this modification, in order to look more cool, they painted the car with the air brush, some of them even in the paint cars with striking, cool pictures in the sports car described in this modification. but some who prefer a plain color like those surrounding the entire body or silver sports car modification makes this look very fierce and cool. and these 10 sports car modification in all parts of the car has been modified to look very stunning.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10 Car Modification with Crazy Air Brush

This is our newest collection, modification machine car that not only are the modifications, but also outward appearance, color car with amazing design, techniques in use is Air Brush, Air Brush is a technique for painting a car that will bring out the painting , and the cars we deliberately choose because it has air brush design results in a very amazing, even applied in a variety of painting the car body. There are pictures anime, drawing fire and so on, the uniqueness of the air brush is no one will have the same colors and images, and is also a source of pride, as only the car owners who have a design drawing, and this is the 10 cars that have been modified and has particularly stunning Air brush paint